Executive Membership
Open for the 2023-2024 Academic Year
The PSA is composed of students, alumni, and staff of the University of Ottawa.
Any member of the University of Ottawa community (including students, staff, faculty, and alumni) has the right to become a member. The executive body has the right to grant membership to anyone who has an interest in the Pakistani language and culture and in maintaining social contact with the PSA
Membership in the PSA:
Is acquired by registering with the PSA Executive body
Expires annually after annual elections
To apply, please OPEN and fill out the form below
Executive Team Application Form
General Membership
Open for the 2022-2023 Academic Year
General Membership in the PSA:
- Receive regular updates about upcoming PSA events
- Opportunities to volunteer with us
To join, please OPEN and fill out the form below.
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© 2023 Pakistani Students' Association Univeristy of Ottawa